Lightly profiled sandwich panels with MW core Tenax W MW Thermo Plus H

Sandwich panels TENAX are manufactured in a wide range of thickness, with different thermal insulation cores, panel joints and profiling of the steel facings, all of which have a significant influence on the performance characteristics and the appearance of the structure. Sandwich panels TENAX with mineral wool (MW) core are particularly suitable for the structures with very high fire safety, as well as good thermal performance and sound insulation characteristics. Together with the sandwich panels TENAX the customer can also benefit from the panel design and calculation services, as well as instructions, detail drawings, accessories and materials necessary for panel handling and assembly.

Price: + VAT
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  • Custom made solutions
  • Short delivery time (3-4 weeks)
  • Engineering and designing support to clients
  • Project management support during construction
  • Less cutting work and waste at building site (available panel widths are from 0,6 till 1,2 m)
  • Easy to replace the insulation core of panels after project design (for example, from MW to PIR)
  • Panel joints are fully compatible with each other (MW, PIR, PUR and EPS)
  • Panels are delivered together with complementary elements (flashings, screws etc.)
  • More than 10 years’ experience in production, execution and delivering of goods
CharacteristicNominal value
Product width / built-in width, mm1065/1000
Length, mm2000 to 13500 (step 10 mm)
Thickness, mm80100120150175200240
Weight of calculation area, kg / m2 (steel thickness 0.5 mm / 0.5 mm)16.318.019.722.224.426.529.9
Heat permeability (U-value), W / m2.K0.500.400.330.